I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Analytical Sociology in Linköping University, Sweden.
I hold a PhD in analytical sociology and have a background in economics and demography. My research primarily concerns spatial income inequality, and school and residential segregation. My current project is related to understanding how school and residential choices of parents are linked and how these two choices jointly affect school segregation. In my projects, I use population level Swedish micro-data.
I also make fluid art paintings. You can see some of my artwork here.
If you want to chat related to my work, please see below links or contact information here.
Areas of interest: Mechanism-based explanations, micro-macro link in social systems, dynamics of school segregation, discrete choice modeling, empirically calibrated agent-based models, social network analysis, complex social systems

Last update: March-2023 CV template can be found here, courtesy of Kieran Healy.